new journey

A New Journey!

February 2022

Hello there!

As stated in my ‘about us’ page, Moniluxx Boutique has been a dream of mine for more than 10 years.  I don’t know where I came up with the idea to open a online boutique offering organic, natural and responsibly sourced products.  I guess because I know how incredibly important it is to me to feel pampered, have soft, silky skin, and to smell very good.  I can have a bad day and once I take the time to perform some selfcare, it makes me feel like a new woman.  So, I thought that if selfcare is this important to me and makes me happy, it can do the same for other women.

In 2020, I had already started my home décor store, Moniluxx Home.  Moniluxx Boutique is an extension of my ‘passions.’  In September 2021, I launched Moniluxx Boutique (MB). If you have read any of my blogs on, you would know I am definitely not super experienced or have a deep knowledge of ecommerce. I am still learning as I go.  But, when you love something you are doing, it doesn’t feel like work.

After launching, I realized that I really need to dig deeper into digital Marketing.  It is simply not enough to have a wonderful product, beautiful website, and post on social media. Digital Marketing goes a lot deeper than that!  More on that later! For now, let me tell you about my products……..

Till Next Time…..

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